Tequila, rum, gin
Rum Bacardi Oakheart Original Spiced 32,5% 700 ml
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Italy
18,22 €Rum Casino 50% 500 ml
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Hungary
15,38 €Gin Kingsmill 38% 500 ml
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Estonia
11,29 €Rums Bacardi Carta Blanca 37.5% 0.7l
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Italy
21,45 €Rums Bacardi Carta Negra 0.5l 40%
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Italy
14,85 €Rums Caribba Negro 0.5l 37.5%
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Caribbean islands
10,93 €
Vodka Pšeņičnaja LB 40% 700 ml
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Latvia
12,06 €Vodka Danzka Currant 40% 700 ml
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Denmark
18,89 €Degvīns Finlandia 40% 0.7l
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Finland
17,69 €Degvīns Koskenkorva Vodka 40% 0.7l
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Finland
19,41 €Degvīns Arsenitch 40% 0.7l
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Estonia
14,39 €Arom. Degvīns Slavjanskie Tradiciji Dzērvene 0.5l 40%
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Estonia
9,89 €Stiprs Alko.dzēriens Arsenitch Ābolu 40% 0.35l
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Estonia
8,77 €Degvīns Ķencis 40% 0.5l
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Latvia
7,76 €Degvīns 3 Graudu 38% 0.2l
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Latvia
3,83 €Degvīns Ķencis 40% 0.2l
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Latvia
3,39 €
Ice cream
Ice cream Karlsons with cranberry 100 ml/80 g
Water, glaze 18% (plant oil (coconut oil, rapeseed oil), sugar, fat-reduced cocoa powder, emulsifier lecithin), sugar, cranberry flavoring 9% (cranberries 44%, sugar, glucose-fructose syrup, water, thickener pectin, acidity regulator citric acid, natural flavoring, concentrate (radish, apple, black currant)), vegetable oils (palm (a)* and/or coconut (b)* and/or shea (c)* and/or rapeseed (d)*), whey, skimmed milk powder, fat-reduced cocoa powder, emulsifier mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids, stabilizers: White acacia gum, guar gum, carrageenan; natural cream flavoring, chocolate 0.04%, flavoring. May contain gluten, peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, soy particles Manufacturer: Latvia
1,20 €Ice cream Tio plombir with raisins 120 ml/70 g
Water, sweet cream, sugar, raisins 10% (99.5% raisins, sunflower oil), waffle cup 8% (wheat flour, starch, rapeseed oil, sugar, emulsifier soy lecithins, salt, leavening agent baking soda), skimmed milk powder, butter, whey powder, emulsifier fatty mono- and diglycerides, stabilizers: white acacia gum, guar gum, carrageenan; flavoring (vanillin). May contain particles of peanuts, nuts, eggs Manufacturer: Latvia
1,05 €Saldējums plombīrs Mājas 950ml/485g
Manufacturer: Lithuania
4,25 €TIO Saldējums Plomb. 500ml 240g
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,30 €Saldējums Magnum Almond 120ml
Manufacturer: Hungary
2,09 €Pols Saldējums Klasiskais uz koc.120ml /75g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,14 €Saldējums "TIO" Plombīra /80g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,04 €
Culinary, confectionery
Plovs ar vistas gaļu Baltais 300g
Manufacturer: Latvia
3,85 €Pankūkas ar tītara gaļas pildījumu 270 g
Manufacturer: Latvia
3,52 €Pankūkas ar biezpiena pildījumu 270g
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,68 €Liepkalni Pica 100g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,42 €Našķis Šokolādes 80g
Cepumi (kviešu milti, augu eļļas(saulespuķu, palmu), emulgators E471, antioksidanti E320, E321, pūdercukurs, sīrups, sausās piena sūkalas, olu pulveris, irdinataji, E503ii, E500ii, aromatizetājs, sāls, emulgators sojas lecitins, sviests, pildījums karameļu- cukurs, Manufacturer: Latvia
1,21 €Našķis Karameļu 80g
Pildījums karameļu 38%, cukurs, dzeramais ūdens, vājpiena pulveris, palmu eļļa , biezinataji( kukurūzas ciete, pektīni), stabilizatori E 415, E418, karameļu un vaniļas aromatizetaji, konservant E202, pārtikas krāsviela (karameļu krāsa), cepumi- kviesu milti, augu eļļas( saulespuķu, palmu), emulgators E471, antioksidanti E320, E321, pūdercukurs, sīrups, sausās piena sūkalas, olu pulveris, , irdinataji E503ii, ariomatizetajs, sāls, emulgators sojas lecitīns, sviests , pildījums karameļu (cukurs, dzeramais ūdens, vājpiena pulveris, palmu eļļa, biezinatāji (kukurūzas ciete, pektīni), stabilizatori, (ksantāna sveķi, guāra sveķi), karameļu un vaniļas aromatizetaji, konservants kalija sorbats, pārtikas krāsviela (karameļu krāsa, daudzaugļu želeja (cukurs, ūdens, glikozes-fruktozes sīrups, stabilizētājs E440, skābuma regulētājs E330,E 331, rapsu eļļa, krāsvielas E140, E120, E160b, aromatizētājs konservants E202, dabīgs apelsīnu aromats. Šokomasa pārklāšanai 13%, cukurs, augu tauki( palmu, šī), kakao pulveris ar samazinatu tauku saturu, vājpiena pulveris, emulgators E322, soja, aromatizētajs. Var saturēt alergēnus- rieksti, zemesrieksti kakao Manufacturer: Latvia
1,21 €SM Groziņš biezpiena gb
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,05 €SM Kūka Krem - Šnite 120g
Pomāde balta:(cukurs 85%,glukozes sīrups, ūdens), kviešu milti, margarīns(augu eļļas:palmu,rapšu, kokosriekstu), ūdens, emulgatori:E471,E475,E322, sāls, skābuma regulētājs E330, aromatizētājs, krāsviela E160a, skābais krējums:vājpiens(augu tauki (palmu, šī riekstu,kokosriekstu)), pārveidota ciete, piena olbaltums,želatīns, emulgators E471, krāsviela E160a, krējuma aromatizētājs, pienskābo baktēriju ieraugs. Krēma pudiņš( pūdercukurs, modif.ciete, piena pulveris, piena sūkalu pulveris,biezinātājs nātrija algināts E401,krāsviela beta karotīns, aromatizētājs vaniļas. Maisījums Denīze- cukurs, modificēta ciete,sūkalu pulveris, palmu tauki,glikozes sīrups, piena tauki, emulgators E472b, vājpiena pulveris, piena olbaltumvielas, biezinātājs E 407, stabilizētājks E450,sāls, aromatizētājs, augu ekstrakts.Maisījums var saturēt alergēnus-olu, sojas un lipekli saturošus produktus, margarīns, augu eļļas un tauki-palmu, kokosa un rapšu, glikozes sīrups, vājpiena pulveris,emulgators E471,ūdens, sāls, aromatizētājs E160a, olu masa, kakao, pārtikas sāls. Manufacturer: Latvia
1,05 €SM Eklērs šokolādes
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,17 €Liepkalni Kārtainā abolkūka 85g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,05 €SM Groziņš ar ķiršiem 120g
Milti kviešu, margarīns,, augu eļļas, palmu, rapšu, kokosriekstu, ūdens, emulgators E471, E475, E322, sāls, skābuma reguletajs E330, aromatizetajs, krāsviela E 160a, , ķirsu piedeva 25%, ķirši 50%, glikozes -fruktozes sīrups, cukurs, modificeta ciete, melno burkanu sulas koncentrats, biezinatajs E418, skābuma reguletaji E330, E327, konservanti E202, E211; olu masa,cukurs, dekorgels- glikozes sīrups, ūdens, cukurs, recinataji (E406,E440ii), skabes E330, skabuma regulētājs E331, krāsviela E163, E120, aromatizētājs, konservants E202, cepamais pulveris -kviesu milti, skabuma regulētājs E450i, irdinātājs E500ii, pārtikas sāls. Manufacturer: Latvia
1,05 €Liepkalni Kafijas maizīte 0.07g
Manufacturer: Latvia
0,89 €Kūka skudrupūznis 1gb
Vārīts konditorejas pildījums, cukurs, vājpiena pulveris, ūdens, palmu eļļas biezinātājs E 401, konservants E202, kviešu milti, daudzaugļu želeja kubiņos, -cukurs, ūdens, glikoze, fruktozes sīrups, stabilizētājs E440, skābuma regulētajs E330, E331, rapšu eļļa, krāsviela E140, E120, E160b, aromatizētājs, konservants E202, dabīgs apelsīnu aromāts, margarīns-augu eļļas,palmu, rapšu,kokosriekstu, ūdens, emulgatori E471, E475, E322, sāls, skābuma regulētājs, E330, aromatizētājs, krāsviela E 160a, zemesrieksti. Šokomasa dekoram: cukurs, augu tauki, palmu, šī, kakao pulveris ar samaz. tauku saturu, vājpiena pulveris, emulgators E322, soja, aromatizētājs. Var saturēt alergēnus- rieksti, zemesrieksti, olu masa, cepamais pulveris, kviešu milti, skābuma regulētājs E 450i, irdinātājs E500ii, sāls. Manufacturer: Latvia
0,89 €Kūka kartupelis 1gb
Olu masa, cukurs, daudzaugļu želeja,: cukurs, ūdens, glikozes-fruktozes sīrups, stabilizētājs E440, skābuma regulētājs E330, E331, rapšu eļļa, krāsvielas E140,E120,E160b, aromatizētājs, konservants E202, dabīgs apelsīnu aromāts; kviešu milti, margarīns (augu eļļas, palmu, rapšu, kokosriekstu; ūdens, emulgatori E471,E475,E322, sāls, skābuma regulētājs E330,aromatizētājs, krāsviela E160a), kakao pulveris-kakao pupiņas, kakao pulveris; kokosa skaidiņas. Manufacturer: Latvia
0,72 €
Coffee, tea
Jacobs Kafija malta Kronung 500g
Manufacturer: Germany
8,66 €Kafija šķīstošā JACOBS CRONAT GOLD 200g
Manufacturer: Czechia
9,59 €Paulig Kafija malta Classic 500g
Manufacturer: Finland
8,75 €Kafija malta Jacobs Kronung 250g
Manufacturer: Germany
4,49 €Nescafe Kafijas dzēr. Nescafe Classic 3in1 10x16.5 gr
Manufacturer: Hungary
2,65 €LIPTON Yellow Label melnā tēja 25TB 50G
Manufacturer: Poland
2,29 €Tēja Zaļā Ar Citronzāli Možums 20x2g
Manufacturer: Poland
1,74 €Tēja Aveņu-dzērveņu Augļu Možums 20x2g
Manufacturer: Poland
1,77 €Tēja melnā angļu Možums 100g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,39 €Brumi šķīstošs kakao-dzēriens 150g
Manufacturer: Poland
1,60 €Možums Tēja pac. Dzērv./aveņu mais. ar aukl. 30g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,10 €Možums aveņu augļu tēja 20x1.5g 30G
Manufacturer: Latvia
0,93 €Tēja piparmētru 20x1,5g 30g
Manufacturer: Latvia
0,77 €
Sauces, condiments
Mērce pesto rummo 185g
Manufacturer: Italy
4,25 €Heinz Mērce Klasiskā BBQ 400ml
Manufacturer: Netherlands
5,03 €Wok Mango Mērce Rundāle 410g
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,57 €Spilva Kečups oriģinālais 0.5l
Manufacturer: Latvia
3,29 €Mērce saldskābā asia spilva 350g
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,59 €Wok Saldskābā Mērce Rundāle 400g
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,36 €Garšviela Vegeta 250g
Manufacturer: Croatia
2,92 €Spilva Tomātu mērce 510g
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,09 €Spilva Tomātu mērce Saldā 530g
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,26 €Spilva cēzara mērce stāvpakā 200 g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,25 €SM Pipari melni 16g
Manufacturer: Estonia
1,59 €Pasta tomātu jeden 70g
Manufacturer: Germany
0,79 €Lauru lapas Anatols 15g
Manufacturer: Latvia
0,57 €Kanēlis Anatols 10g
Manufacturer: Latvia
0,30 €
Candy, chocolates, sweets
Šokolāde vāverīte ar pistācijām un zemesriekstiem 90g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,95 €Snickers 50g
Manufacturer: Netherlands
1,19 €Laima Konf.kārba Asorti Sark.rozes 470g
Manufacturer: Latvia
12,02 €Šokolāde Milka Oreo 300g
Manufacturer: Austria
4,71 €Šokolāde Milkawhole Hazelnuts 250g
Manufacturer: Austria
5,03 €Ferrero Konf.kārba Raffaello 150g
Manufacturer: Poland
5,09 € Citronu Krēma Pild.120 G
Manufacturer: Austria
2,75 €Konf. Ar Kokosriekstu Krēma Pild. 120g
Manufacturer: Austria
2,75 €Kinder Bueno Mini 108g
Manufacturer: Poland
3,22 €Šerberts Laima 200g
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,63 €Konfektes marmelāde Gundega 170g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,89 €Šokolāde lācītis ķepainītis ar mand.Un medus karameli 90g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,95 €Ferrero Šokol/konf. Kinder Ola Surprise 20g
Manufacturer: Poland
1,63 €Ferrero Šokol/bat. Kinder Bueno 43g
Manufacturer: Poland
1,31 €Bounty Šokol/bat. 57g
Manufacturer: Poland
1,22 €Skittles Dražejas Sours 38g
Manufacturer: Czechia
1,08 €Laima Šokol/bat. Serenāde 40g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,00 €Laima šokol/bat. Miks 42g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,00 €Twix šokol. batoniņš 50g
Manufacturer: Poland
0,97 €
Fruit, vegetables, berries
Štovēti kāposti (paciņa) dimdiņI 500g
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,09 €Bumbieri Conference 45+ 2.šķ. kg
2,43 €Mellenes 125g čīle kastītē 2 šķ.
2,89 €Vīnogas fasētas gab.
4,88 €Apelsīni lielie kg
2,40 €Gurķi garie kg
3,62 €Ķiploki sverami 500g
2,60 €Sīpoli kg
0,93 €Tomāti Cherry sarkani 250g
2,10 €Seleriju kāti 14/16 kal Spānija 2 šķ. gab.
1,98 €Šampinjoni 250g
1,71 €Banāni kg
1,77 €Kok Bietes Vārītas 500g
Manufacturer: Lithuania
1,16 €Avokado gb
1,10 €Kok Bietes Vārītas rīvētas 500g
Manufacturer: Lithuania
1,15 €Burkāni mazgāti kg
1,00 €Kāposti Latvija sv. kg
1,03 €Kartupeļi jaunie sv. 1,šķ.
0,85 €
Boržomi NEW minerālūdens 1,25l
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur Manufacturer: Georgia
2,99 €Minerālūdens borjomi gāzēts 1l
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur Manufacturer: Georgia
2,67 €Minerālūdens Essentuky Nr4 1L Pet
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur Manufacturer: Lithuania
1,99 €Bērzūdens mellene cēsu 1.5l
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur Manufacturer: Latvia
1,57 €Bērzūdens citrons&laims cēsu 1.5l
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur Manufacturer: Latvia
1,54 €Borjomi minerālūdens gāzēts500ML
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur Manufacturer: Georgia
1,57 €Mangaļi Vitafruit Dz/ūdens Ar citrusa g. gāzēts 1L
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur Manufacturer: Latvia
1,83 €Ūdens negāzēts bērniem 0m+ 1l
Manufacturer: Germany
1,07 €Mangaļi Dz/ūdens gāzēts 1.5L
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur Manufacturer: Latvia
0,93 €Ūdens Neptunas negāzēts 1.5l
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur Manufacturer: Lithuania
1,03 €Darida Minerālūdens Gāzēts 1.5l
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur Manufacturer: Belarus
0,93 €Akvile minerālūdens viegli gāzēts 1.5l
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur Manufacturer: England
0,99 €Neptunas negāzēts 0.5l
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur Manufacturer: Lithuania
0,89 €
Fish, fish products
Herring fillet in mayonnaise with pineapple 500 g
Manufacturer: Latvia
4,08 €Surimi sticks chilled 250g
Energy 479kj/114kcal, fat 2.9g, saturates 0.2g, carbohydrate 14.9g, sugars 5.3g, protein 0.6g, salt 1.3g Surimi 40%, fish meat 91%, water, starch, oil, sugar, salt, colours e120, e160, sorbitol syrup e420 Manufacturer: Latvia
1,79 €Surimi sticks pacifica 200g
Energy 1654kj/399kcal, fat 33g, saturates 13g, carbs 1g, sugars 1.G, protein 24g, salt 4.5g Water, surimi, starch, oil, sugar, crab meat, egg white, colour e120, sorbitol syrup e420 Manufacturer: Latvia
1,12 €Caviar with prawns 160g
Energy 1437kj/348kcal, fat 34g, saturates 4.7g, carbs 4.7g, sugars 4.5g, protein 5.8g, salt 2.8g Atlantic herring or moi, fish roe, sunflower oil, cooked northern prawn meat, water, sugar, salt, acidity regulator, egg yolk powder, colour e160, thickeners e415, e412, e420, preservatives e202, e211 Manufacturer: Ukraine
3,98 €Ikri melnie sviestmaižu iecienītie 100g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,49 €Marinētas siļķes gabaliņi 500g
Manufacturer: Lithuania
4,67 €Tuncis eļļā rio mare160g
Manufacturer: Italy
4,73 €Zivju kons.Anšovu fileja eļļā 100g
Manufacturer: Germany
4,95 €Rīgas Zelts šprotes eļļā stiklā 250g
Manufacturer: Latvia
4,39 €Tuncis eļļā Vici 220 g
Manufacturer: Lithuania
4,49 €Vici siļķes fileja columbus populārā 240g
Manufacturer: Lithuania
2,19 €Šprotes eļļā Kaija 160g
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,07 €Vici Krabju nūjiņas Dzesētas 150g
Manufacturer: Lithuania
1,94 €Bērzciems Kons/Ķilavas Rīgas ar vīnu 250g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,42 €
Meat, meat products
Semi-dry duck salami 300 g
Manufacturer: Latvia
3,52 €Fried chicken gyros 220 g
Manufacturer: Latvia
3,83 €Cūku un liellopu malta gala 500g
Manufacturer: Latvia
3,31 €Cāļa krūtiņa fileja A kategorija 500g
Manufacturer: Latvia
5,00 €Brokastu bekons karsti kūpināts 350g
Manufacturer: Latvia
4,82 €Pusspārni gardie Ķekavas 500g
Manufacturer: Latvia
3,99 €Vistas giross Nākotne 220g
Manufacturer: Latvia
3,66 €Cīsiņi teļa gaļas 300g
Manufacturer: Latvia
3,12 €Forevers Sviestmaižu desa 900g
Manufacturer: Latvia
3,52 €Desa forevers puskūpināta dāņu salami 400g
Manufacturer: Latvia
3,72 €Jelgavas jubilejas dūmdesa 280g
Manufacturer: Latvia
3,54 €RM Cīsiņi Rakveres 500g
Manufacturer: Latvia
4,12 €Desa Fuet extra 170g
Manufacturer: Germany
3,98 €Vistas pusspārni pikantie Nākotne 250g
Manufacturer: Latvia
3,07 €Vistas pusspārni marinēti Nākotne 250g
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,89 €RM Gaļas bumbiņas 300g
Manufacturer: Latvia
3,14 €Forevers Mini cīsiņi Ekspress 450g
Manufacturer: Latvia
3,54 €Forevers Bērnu sardeles Ekspress 450g
Manufacturer: Latvia
3,31 €Latgales doktordesa vārītā /500g/
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,69 €Bekons kūpināts šķēles 130g
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,30 €Cāļa filejas nageti 300g
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,99 €RGK Piena vārīta desa 450g
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,26 €Rāznas Doktordesa 350g
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,26 €RGK auksti kūpinata desa šķēlītes 80g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,89 €Cūkas mēle želejā Nākotne 180g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,99 €Karbonāde Jubilāra Nakotne šķēlītes 100g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,77 €Cāļa desa Piena 400 g
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,19 €
Quark products
Blueberry curd treat 45 g
Manufacturer: Latvia
0,55 €Quark Limbažu piens 9% 170 g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,14 €Skimmed milk quark Limbažu piens 0.5% 170 g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,05 €
Special offers
Salami DĀŅU, smoked, 400 g
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,59 €Salami RĪGAS, smoked, 400 g
2,39 €Pasta Grano Nativo Cornetti Rigati 400 g
0,39 €Pasta Grano Nativo Fusilli 400 g
0,39 €Pasta Grano Nativo Penne Rigate 400 g
0,39 €Pasta Grano Nativo Spagetti 400 g
0,39 €Sunflower oil Zolota 850 ml
1,79 €Sugar 1 kg (plastic package)
Manufacturer: European Union
0,89 €Toilet paper Grite Ecological New 3 layers, 4 rolls
0,79 €Chicken wings 400 g
1,39 €Baltais milk 2,0%, carton pack with cork, 1 l
1,09 €Baltais kefir 2,0% carton pack with cork, 1 kg
1,19 €
Household goods
Fairy Līdz.trauku mazg. Citronu 500ml
Manufacturer: Czechia
2,40 €Pagarinātājs ar slēdzi 3rozetes 3m balts
Manufacturer: Estonia
10,30 €Pagarinātajs 1.5m ar slēdzi 3 rozetes 3g balts
Manufacturer: Estonia
7,69 €Tualetes papīrs Zewa Deluxe 8 ruļļi
Manufacturer: Germany
5,87 €Drēbju tīrīšanas rullītis vileda 1gab
Manufacturer: China
3,07 €Tīrīsanas pasta citronu cif 540g
Manufacturer: Hungary
2,85 €Drēbju tīrīšanas rullītis/maiņa vileda 2gab
Manufacturer: China
3,05 €Ajax logu tīrīš.līdz.500ml
Manufacturer: Greece
3,13 €Līdzeklis kaļķakmens un rūsas tīrīšanai cilit 450ml
Manufacturer: Poland
3,09 €Mīkstinatājs audumam atomic 1l
Manufacturer: Lithuania
2,12 €Vileda mikrošķiedras drāna 1gb
Manufacturer: China
2,19 €Mītras salvetes mēbelem ar smaržu 18x22cm 30 gab
Manufacturer: Poland
1,85 €Spirāles beršanai vileda inox 2+1gab
Manufacturer: China
1,59 €Atkritumu maisiņi atomic ldpe 120l/10/30mkr
Manufacturer: Lithuania
2,15 €Atkrituma maisi strong 30l 20 gab
Manufacturer: Lithuania
2,30 €Atkrituma maisi strong 60l 10 gab
Manufacturer: Lithuania
1,95 €Papīra virtuves dvieļi grite family 2slāņi 2ruļļi
Manufacturer: Lithuania
1,56 €Tualetes papīrs grite family 3slāņi 4ruļļi
Manufacturer: Lithuania
1,77 €Atkritumu maisiņi atomic hdpe 60l/25/8mkr
Manufacturer: Lithuania
1,72 €Salvetes papīra 24x24cm 100gab
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,19 €Trauku švamme atomic 10gb
Manufacturer: Lithuania
0,97 €Sērkociņi aibe
Manufacturer: India
0,07 €
Vermouth Martini Extra Dry 15% 1 l
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Italy
13,29 €Vermouth Martini Bianco 14.9% 1l
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Italy
14,27 €Vermuts Martini Fiero 14.9% 1 L
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Italy
13,29 €Vermuts Martini Bianco 0,75l 15%
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Italy
10,39 €Vermuts Totino Music Edition Pina Colada 14.5% 1l
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20.
7,05 €Vermuts Totino Music Edition Mojito 14.5% 1l
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20.
7,05 €Vermuts Grantini Bianco 1l 14.5%
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Lithuania
6,88 €
Spilva apple puree with sour cream 300 g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,68 €Franču sinepes 0.22 l
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,73 €Iebiezināts piens ar cukuru un kakao 400gr
Manufacturer: Lithuania
2,99 €Dažādu ziedu medus 0.5 kg, vinnis
Manufacturer: Latvia
5,27 €Konservēts augļu kokteilis sīrupā 850g/ 500ml
Manufacturer: France
4,67 €Krēms Nutella Šokolādes/Riekstu 350g
Manufacturer: Poland
4,81 €Mērce karameļu 0.26
Manufacturer: Latvia
3,89 €Mērce šokolādes 0.26
Manufacturer: Latvia
3,89 €Kronis Rīvētas dzērvenes ar cukuru 420g
Manufacturer: Latvia
3,68 €Medus ziedu 250g
Manufacturer: Austria
4,75 €Ievārījums brūkleņu Pūre 410
Manufacturer: Latvia
3,93 €Sīrups piparmētru carref 750 ml
Manufacturer: France
3,76 €Sēņu zupa ar 3 veidu sēnēm 530g
Manufacturer: Latvia
3,05 €Augļu kokteilis persiku kivi 235g
Manufacturer: France
3,26 €Ličijas vieglā sīrupā 250g
Manufacturer: France
4,15 €Šampinjoni marinēti Spilva 290g
Manufacturer: Latvia
3,52 €Sīpoliņi konservēti citres 290g
Manufacturer: Italy
2,35 €Bietes marinētas Spilva 570g
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,26 €Zupa frikadeļu Kok 480g
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,61 €Rasoļniks sātīgais Kronis 530g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,99 €Kompots persiku pusītes vieglā sīrupā 820g
Manufacturer: Bulgaria
3,24 €KOK Pipargurķiši mar.340g
Manufacturer: Poland
1,98 €Kok Zirņi pelēkie ar kūpinājumu 500g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,89 €Tomāti kiršu Muižkungu dzērveņu marinādē 530g
Manufacturer: Ukraine
2,29 €Kukurūza Bonduelle 340g
Manufacturer: Poland
2,01 €Zirnīši zaļie Bonduelle 400g
Manufacturer: Hungary
1,91 €Globus Kukurūza 425 ml
Manufacturer: Lithuania
1,47 €Olīves zaļās b/k Kok 300g
Manufacturer: Spain
1,67 €Pupiņas sarkanās heinz 400 g
Manufacturer: Netherlands
1,10 €
Baby food
Rūdolfs BIO ĀBOLU MELLEŅU biez. 190g
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,39 €Rūdolfs BIO Ābolu-banā saldo kr.biez. 100gDP
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,95 €Rūdolfs BIO burkānu, ķirbju, kartupeļu biezenis 190g
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,27 €
Disposable tableware
Paplātes grilešanas bbq 35x25cm 3gab
Manufacturer: Poland
1,45 €Šķīvis papīra 20x13 12gab
Manufacturer: Poland
1,42 €
Juices, lemonades, beverages
Lemonade Fanta strawberry & kiwi, 330 ml
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur Manufacturer: Korea
1,32 €Dzēriens tējas persiku garša ar zemeņu bumbiņām 270ml
Manufacturer: Lithuania
3,03 €Dzēriens tējas marakujas garša ar ābolu bumbiņām 270ml
Manufacturer: Lithuania
2,99 €NESTEA ledus tēja citronu 0,5L
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur
1,10 €Sula Cido Multiaugļu mix 1L
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur Manufacturer: Latvia
1,92 €Mežezers Dzēriens Mohito B/a 0.75l
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur Manufacturer: Latvia
3,68 €Mežezers dzēriens cidoniju b/a 0.75l
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur Manufacturer: Latvia
3,55 €Iļģuciema Veselības dzēr. 1.5l
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur Manufacturer: Latvia
3,07 €Iļģuciema Kvass 1.5l
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur Manufacturer: Latvia
2,50 €Gāzēts dzēriens coca cola 2l
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur Manufacturer: Poland
3,51 €Pepsi Cola Limonāde 2l PET
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur Manufacturer: Latvia
2,61 €Cido Frutto Multi + ACE 1.5l
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,51 €Cido Frut apelsinu+ADE 1.5l
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,78 €Coca Cola Limonāde 1.5l
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur Manufacturer: Poland
2,88 €Nektārs Cido granātābolu 1L
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur Manufacturer: Latvia
2,52 €Nektārs Cido Imunitāte, Kivi-Acerola 1 l
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,26 €Pepsi cola 0,5l pet
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur Manufacturer: Latvia
1,19 €Coca Cola Limonāde 0.5l
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur Manufacturer: Poland
1,52 €Dzēriens Aloe Vera mango 0,5L
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur Manufacturer: Taiwan
1,99 €Cido Sula Apelsīnu 1l
Manufacturer: Latvia
3,12 €Sula Cido Imunitāte, apelsīnu-acerola 1 l
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,05 €Cido Nektārs Vīnogu 1l
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur Manufacturer: Latvia
2,40 €Cido Sula Ābolu 1l
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,09 €Tēja Ledus Zaļa Ar Granātābolu Garšu Arizona 0.45l
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur Manufacturer: European Union
1,87 €NJOY Citronu-Laima 1.5L
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur Manufacturer: Latvia
1,83 €Gāz dzēr.DARIDA DZĒRVEŅU 1,5L
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur Manufacturer: Belarus
1,66 €Coca cola sleek can. 0.33l
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur Manufacturer: Poland
1,19 €B/a dz. Supermanki 0.33l
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur Manufacturer: Estonia
1,14 €Cēsu Alus Limonāde 1.5L
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur Manufacturer: Latvia
1,50 €Fanta Orange Limonāde 0.5l
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur Manufacturer: Poland
1,40 €Dzēriens gāzēts Zeronad ar banānu garšu 1L
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur Manufacturer: Belarus
1,24 €Fanta orange can. 0.33l
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur Manufacturer: Poland
1,15 €Dzēriens gāzēts Zeronad ar greifrūta garšu 1L
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur Manufacturer: Belarus
1,25 €Nektārs Trolls 0,2L
Manufacturer: Latvia
0,59 €
Yoghurts, desserts
Cherry jelly Jungle Pop 115 g
Manufacturer: Latvia
0,42 €Bifido Kārums yogurt with raspberries and granola, lactose-free 350 g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,52 €Bifido Kārums yogurt with lingonberries and rye bread, lactose-free, 350 g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,52 €Lakto fermented milk product, lactose-free, blueberry-banana-flaxseed, 270 g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,37 €Lakto fermented milk product, lactose-free, strawberry-mango, 270 g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,42 €Curd cream Alma with wild strawberries 30 0g
Curd paste 69.5%, sweet cream, sugar 11.2%, strawberries 6%, modified starch, wild strawberries 0.18%, flavorings, food coloring (beet red), acidity regulator (sodium citrate). Energy value: 504kj/119kcal, fats 1.90g, saturates 1.10g, carbohydrates 17g, sugar 17g, proteins 8.5g, salt 0.08g Manufacturer: Estonia
1,35 €Baltais Jogurts Oga Melleņu 1kg
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,09 €Rasa Lakto aveņu-melleņu 2% 500g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,84 €Super Brokastis Jog.auzu ar ābol.kan. 160g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,02 €Jogurts dzeramais Shake plūmju 250g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,21 €Jogurta kokteilis plombīra Shake Baltais 250g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,21 €Baltais Jogurts Oga Zemeņu 1kg
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,15 €Baltais saldā krējuma jogurts ar zemenēm, 400g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,63 €Turku jog.Mango 300g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,55 €Baltais Turku jogurts bez piedevām 300g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,44 €Super Brokastis Jog.auzu ar žav. aprik. 160g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,10 €Batoniņš šokolādes Kinder Pingui 31g
Manufacturer: Italy
0,89 €
Liqueur, balsam
Moka liquor 30% 500 ml
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Latvia
7,97 €Campari Bitter 25% 700 ml
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Italy
23,35 €Liķieris Carolans Irish Cream 17% 0,7l
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Ireland
18,04 €Liķieris Vana Tallinn 0.5l 45%
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Estonia
13,43 €Liķieris Jagermeister 35% 0.35l
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Germany
11,62 €Balzams Rīgas Black Balsam Cherry 30% 0.7l
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Latvia
17,55 €Liķieris Xuxu Strawbwrry Vodka 15% 0.7l
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Germany
15,45 €Balzams Rīgas Black Balsam Currant 30% 0.5l
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Latvia
14,48 €Balzams Rīgas Black Balsam 45% 0.35l
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Latvia
10,91 €Liķieris Vana Tallinn Pet 0.2l 40%
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Estonia
5,25 €
Frozen products
Pelmeņi ar melnajām sēnēm Vici 400g
Manufacturer: Lithuania
4,10 €Pelmeņi ar vistas gaļu, sieru un baravikām 400g
Manufacturer: Lithuania
4,18 €Pelmeņi tradicionalie ar cūkas gaļu Vici 400g
Manufacturer: Lithuania
3,56 €Hinkaļi Vici 400g
Manufacturer: Lithuania
3,66 €Krabju spīles no surimi panetas Vici 250g
Manufacturer: Lithuania
3,53 €Pelmeņi Mazulīši Ariols 450g
Manufacturer: Latvia
3,32 €Mini frikadeles uvic nr.1 350g
Manufacturer: Estonia
3,09 €Sald. Pankūkas ar zemeîu pild. Viči 280g
Manufacturer: Lithuania
2,42 €Pica ar šķiņki i un papriku Vici 300g
Manufacturer: Estonia
2,86 €Lm Kārtainā Rauga Mīkla, Neto 400 G (4 Gab. X 100 G)
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,40 €Lm Kārtainā Mīkla, Neto 400 G Bez Rauga
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,40 €Kartupeļi frī apcepti un sasaldēti Viči 1kg
Manufacturer: Lithuania
2,85 €Zivju pirkstiņi klasiskie Vici 250g
Manufacturer: Lithuania
1,87 €
Buckwheat, flakes, rice, grain products
Valdo Chef's curried rice and vegetables 250g
Energy 1479kj/349kcal, fat 1.6g, saturates 0.3g, carbs 74.6g, sugars 3.1g, protein 7.8g, salt 0.04g Rice, dried pumpkin, granulated onion, paprika, garlic, beetroot, curry, corn, cumin, turmeric, starch, bay leaves, ginger, mango, cloves, cinnamon, pepper Manufacturer: Spain
2,37 €Griķi 8x125g Valdo 1kg
Manufacturer: Kazakhstan
3,15 €Pārslas griķu Valdo 500g
Manufacturer: Estonia
2,69 €Griķi 4x125g Valdo 500g
Manufacturer: Kazakhstan
1,79 €Kvinoja baltā 2x125g Valdo 250g
Manufacturer: Peru
2,65 €Gudrie graudi pērļu grūbas 4x90g
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,85 €Rīsi gargraudu "OMA" 1 kg
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,82 €Pupiņas raibās Oma 500g
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,23 €Rīsi jasmine 4x125g Valdo 500g
Manufacturer: Vietnam
1,87 €Rīsi ekstra 4x125g Valdo 500g
Manufacturer: Spain
2,30 €Fernando griķi 4x100g
Manufacturer: Lithuania
1,08 €Pārslas četrgraudu Valdo 500g
Manufacturer: Estonia
1,28 €Dobele pārslas auzu ātri vārāmās 500g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,25 €Dobele pārslas pilngraudu 500g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,14 €Oma Zirņi šķelti 500g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,05 €
Ā/p Nūdeles Oyakata Vasabi Lielopu Garša 93g
Manufacturer: Poland
1,49 €Kukurūzas ciete Dr. Oetker 200g
Manufacturer: Poland
Manufacturer: European Union
1,09 €Eļļa Goccia doro 1L
Manufacturer: Italy
11,94 €Risso Eļļa Rapšu 1l
Manufacturer: Germany
3,18 €Eļļa Saulespuķu Kernel 1l
Manufacturer: Ukraine
2,40 €Nongshim Zupa Nūdeļu Sin Ramyun 120g
Manufacturer: Poland
1,87 €Soda Dzeramā 500g
Manufacturer: Bosnia-Herzegovina
1,05 €Ā/p Nūdeles Oyakata Teriaki Vistas Garša 96g
Manufacturer: Poland
1,63 €Ā/p Nūdeles Oyakata Asia Pad Thai Vistas Garša 93g
Manufacturer: Poland
1,56 €Diamant Cukurs 1kg
Manufacturer: Poland
1,69 €Sāls rupjā galda pavāriņš 1kg
Manufacturer: Poland
0,85 €Aloja Ciete Kartupeļu 400g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,25 €Gallina Blanca Buljons Vistas 8x10g
Manufacturer: Spain
0,87 €Zupa sausā Podravka kokoša ar nūdelēm 62g
Manufacturer: Croatia
0,89 €
Beer Aldaris Luksus 5,2% 568 ml
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Lithuania
1,55 €Alus Bauskas Speciālais Gaišais 4.8% 0.5l
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Latvia
2,08 €Alus Corona Extra 4.5% 0.33l
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Europa
1,83 €Alus Tērvete Senču 4.5% 0.5l
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Latvia
1,49 €Alus Mežpils Tradicionālais 5.1% 0.5l
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Estonia
1,66 €Alus Tērvete Tērvetes 5.3% 0.5l
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Latvia
2,04 €Alus Cēsu Brūža Ķiršu Sārtais 4.5% 0.5l
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Latvia
1,68 €Alus Ķenča Gaišais 5.2% 0.5l
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Latvia
1,28 €Alus Carlsberg 5% 0.568l Can
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Lithuania
1,56 €Alus Lielvārdes Tradicionālais 5.0% 0.5l
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Latvia
1,62 €Alus Lāčplēša Dzintara Sk 4.8% 0.568l
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Latvia
1,36 €Alus Ekstra 5.2% 0.568l Can
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Latvia
1,42 €Alus Lāčplēsis Gaišais 5% 0.5l Stikls
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Latvia
1,32 €Alus Cēsu Premium Original 5% 0.568l
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Latvia
1,52 €
Products of other countries
Sojas mērce 43% Sāls Kikkoman150ml
Manufacturer: Netherlands
4,07 €Sojas mērce Kikkoman 150ml
Manufacturer: Netherlands
3,85 €Rīspapīrs 100g real thai
Manufacturer: Thailand
4,27 €Rīsi suši Fudo 500g
Manufacturer: Switzerland
3,19 €Nūdeles stikla Santa maria 100g
Manufacturer: Thailand
3,79 €Nūdeles griķu japāņu soba 300g
Manufacturer: China
2,63 €Nūdeles rīsu 3mm Exotic 250g
Manufacturer: Thailand
2,39 €Rīsu Nūdeles Santa Maria 180g
Manufacturer: Thailand
2,52 €
Flours, flour mix
Milti Ekstra DDz2kg
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,07 €Kukurūzas milti 1kg Molino Rossetto
Manufacturer: Italy
2,89 €Maisījums citronu kēkss 450g
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,14 €DDz Miltu mais. Pankūkas kartupeļu 200g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,77 €Milti Dobeles Dz. ekstra 1kg
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,25 €DDz Miltu mais. Pankūkas plānās 400g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,47 €Biezputra kartupeļu Dobeles Dz.200g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,39 €
Gift bags
Dāvanu maisiņš lielais 32x26x13.5cm
Manufacturer: China
1,25 €Dāvanu maisiņš pudelei 33x10x9cm
Manufacturer: China
0,89 €Dāvanu maisiņs vidējais 23x18x10cm
Manufacturer: China
0,89 €
Animal feed and supplies
Wet dog PrimaDog food with beef 600 g
Manufacturer: Finland
4,04 €Perfect fit 4-paka sensitive gaļas maisījums, 340g
Manufacturer: Spain
3,83 €Barība kaķim Sheba mājputnu in gravy 4x85g
Manufacturer: Lithuania
2,78 €Pedigree Saus/b suņiem Junior putns/rīsi 500g
Manufacturer: Poland
2,69 €Gard.Suņiem rullīši ar jēra gaļu 200 g
Manufacturer: Germany
1,60 €Gourmet.Gold kaķu konservs pastēte vista 85g
Manufacturer: France
1,00 €Pedigree Kārumi suņiem Mini kauliņš 47g
Manufacturer: Hungary
1,07 €Sheba Kons/kaķiem ar lasi mērcē 85g
Manufacturer: Lithuania
0,84 €
Wine Chateau Queyret Pouillac 13% 750 ml
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: France
5,35 €Wine Daos Kagor 16% 750 ml
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Moldova
7,71 €Red wine Teliani Valley Old Gruzia Saperavi 13% 750 ml
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Georgia
6,65 €Wine Murviedro Coleccion Tempranillo 14 12,5% 750 ml
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Spain
7,72 €Vīns Grand Noir Pinot Noir Sausais 12/13 0.75l 12.5%
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: France
9,19 €Vīns Carmen Insigne Cabernet Sauvignon Sausais 14/15 0.75l 13.5%
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Chile
6,19 €Vīns Talisman Kurdgelauri Krasnoje Pussaldais 0.75l 11.5%
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Georgia
6,99 €
Whiskey, brandy, cognac
Cognac Larsen VS 40% 350 ml
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: France
27,09 €Cognac Hennessy VS 40% 700 ml
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: France
57,49 €Whisky Tullamore Dew 40% 700 ml
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Ireland
23,47 €Brandy St.Remy VSOP Authentic Brandy 36% 700 ml
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: France
19,31 €Brendijs Metaxa 5* 38% 0.7 L
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Greece
22,46 €Stiprs Alko. Dzēriens Bonaparte 38% 0.35l
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Latvia
7,51 €Viskijs Ballantine`s 40% 0.7l
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20.
23,08 €Brendijs J.p. Chanet Xo 36% 0.7l
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: France
18,87 €Brendijs Francuzskij Aist 40% 0.5l
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Estonia
13,18 €Viskijs Sir Edwards 40% 0.5l
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: England
12,86 €Konjaks Hennessy Vs 40% 0.2l
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: France
14,23 €Brendijs Caritele 36% 500ml
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Estonia
12,38 €Stiprs Alko. Dzēriens Hektors 32% 0.35l
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Latvia
5,34 €
Makaroni pasta farfalle rummo 500g
Manufacturer: Italy
2,50 €Makaroni pasta penne rigate rummo 500g
Manufacturer: Italy
2,59 €Makaroni pasta riccioli rummo 500g
Manufacturer: Italy
4,19 €Makaroni pasta fusilli rummo 500g
Manufacturer: Italy
2,63 €Makaroni pasta bucatini rummo 500g
Manufacturer: Italy
2,55 €Makaroni pasta conchiglie rigate 500g
Manufacturer: Italy
2,47 €Makaroni Penne rigate Barilla 500g
Manufacturer: Italy
1,80 €Pasta Zara Makaroni Spirāles/lielās Nr.57 500g
Manufacturer: Italy
2,09 €Pasta Zara Makaroni Trubiņas Nr.40 500g
Manufacturer: Italy
1,67 €Pasta Zara Makaroni Radziņi/smalkie Nr.27 500g
Manufacturer: Italy
1,59 €Makaroni spagetti Nr.1 Pasta zara 0,5kg
Manufacturer: Italy
2,09 €Makaroni Melissa cūciņa Peppa 500g
Manufacturer: Greece
1,59 €Makaroni melissa minioni 500g
Manufacturer: Greece
1,59 €
Computer goods, USB, headphones
Marķieris hobby permament centropent melns 3mm
Manufacturer: Czechia
0,87 €Datorpeles paliktnis gēla melns
Manufacturer: China
5,29 €
Hygiene and cosmetics
Dove plain soap 90 g
Manufacturer: Germany
1,56 €Toothpaste original 100 ml
Manufacturer: Germany
4,19 €Bella Panty Soft daily liners, 20 pcs.
Manufacturer: Poland
1,39 €Hygiene pads Naturella XL 20 pcs.
Manufacturer: Germany
3,59 €Dušas želeja dove nourishing 250ml
Manufacturer: Germany
4,18 €Gillette simply venus vienr.Skuv.Siev. 5 gab.
Manufacturer: Poland
3,89 €Pantene REPAIR&PROTECT šampūns, 250ml
Manufacturer: Germany
4,65 €Nova Matu laka Gold Super 400ml
Manufacturer: England
4,19 €Nova Matu putas Gold 300ml
Manufacturer: England
3,32 €BIC skuvekļi Twin Lady 5 gb
Manufacturer: France
2,05 €Vates plāksnītes lula 120gab
Manufacturer: Poland
2,55 €Mitrās salvetes int.hig.LULA 20gb
Manufacturer: Poland
1,29 €Zobu bakstāmie 100gb
Manufacturer: Poland
0,40 €
Muesli, breakfast cereals, snacks
Čipsi ādažu siera 130g
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,47 €Sausās brokastis Frosties 330g
Manufacturer: England
4,28 €Saus Brokastis Pārslas Rudzu Bio Bez Cukura Milzu 300g
Manufacturer: Latvia
3,05 €Kellogs CORN FLAKES 250g.
Manufacturer: England
2,95 €Zemesrieksti krāsnī cepti Estrella bundža 140g
Manufacturer: Poland
3,10 €Zemesrieksti ar lauku krējuma un sīpolu garšu Estrella 140g
Manufacturer: Poland
2,30 €Ādažu čipsi Dille 130g
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,15 €Zemesrieksti sālīti met.bundžā Estrella140g
Manufacturer: Poland
2,85 €Kukuruzas čipsi Dorito Nacho siera garš 100g
Manufacturer: Rumania
2,38 €Popkorns Pophouse Ar Šokolādes Garšu 180g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,42 €Popkorns Estrella ar sviesta garšu 90g
Manufacturer: France
1,27 €
Bread, bakery products
Liepkalni straws, sweet 150 g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,26 €Liepkalni garlic toasts 200 g
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,82 €Wheat sweet sourdough 500 g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,73 €Sausmaizītes ar rozmarīnau un olīveļļu 250g
Manufacturer: Austria
2,69 €Krekeri sezama sēklu 250g
Manufacturer: Austria
2,69 €Galetes rīsu šokolādes glazūrā 100g
Manufacturer: Italy
2,47 €Galetes rīsuzemeņu glazūrā 100g
Manufacturer: Italy
2,47 €Galetes griķu 115g Dr.natur
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,63 €Mākoņmaize 500g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,37 €Gardā rudzu pusklaips 400g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,37 €Sausiņi ar roz. Liepkalni 0.200g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,47 €Liepkalni Saldskābm. Lauku gr. 370g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,31 €Liepkalni Frančmaize 360g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,21 €Liepkalni Dienas r/m 300g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,00 €
Dairy products
Alma milk 2.5% 1l
Energy 229kj/55kcal, fat 2.5g, saturates 1.7g, carbs 4.8g, sugars 4.8g, protein 3.2g, salt 0.1g Manufacturer: Estonia
1,21 €Alma milk 3.8-4.2% 1l
Energy 281kj/67kcal, fat 4.3g, saturates 2.7g, carbohydrates 4.6g, sugars 4.6g, protein 3.2g, salt 0.1g Manufacturer: Estonia
1,46 €Milk UHT 1 l 3.2% fat
Manufacturer: Poland
1,81 €Alma sour cream 20% 400g
Energy 842kj/204kcal, fat 20g, saturates 13g, carbohydrates 3.2g, sugars 3.2g, protein 2.8g, salt 0.1g Sweet leavened cream Manufacturer: Estonia
1,88 €Alpro mandeļu dzērens 1L
Manufacturer: Belgium
3,10 €Saldais krējums kafijas 10% 250ml
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,42 €Krējums skābais 20% Baltais 500g
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,69 €LP skābs krējums 20% 300g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,69 €Limbažu Kefīrs 2.5% 1kg
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,60 €Saldais Krēj UHT Rasa 35%200ml
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,88 €Limbažu Piens 2.5% 1l
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,44 €Piens Uht 1l 2.0% Tauku Marge
Manufacturer: Poland
1,81 €LP skābs krējums Lauku 15% 300g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,52 €Skābpiena dzēriens turku Ayran Baltais 500g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,42 €Piens Rasēns Karameļu 200ml
Manufacturer: Latvia
0,86 €Piens Rasēns Zemeņu 200ml
Manufacturer: Latvia
0,86 €
Games and children's products
Galda spēle dambrete un riču-raču mini 1gab
Manufacturer: Poland
7,64 €
Sparkling wine
Sparkling wine Bosca White 7,5% 750 ml
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Lithuania
5,51 €Sparkling wine Canti Prosecco Brut Spumante 14 11,5% 750 ml
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Italy
9,95 €Sparkling wine Perlino Prosecco Rose Extra Dry 11% 750 ml
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Italy
11,31 €Dzirkst. Vīns Martini Asti 7.5% 0.75l
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Italy
10,49 €Dzirkst.vīns Rīgas Šamp. Oriģinālais 11.5% 0.75 L
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Latvia
6,67 €Dzirkst. Vīns Bosca Gold 7.5% 0.75l
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Lithuania
5,62 €Dzirkst.vīns Sovetskoje Šampanskoje P/sald.11.5% 0.75l
ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Lithuania
5,03 €
Mayonnaise, eggs, fats
Delma Extra 39% margarine 450 g
Manufacturer: Poland
1,73 €Hellmans Majonēze Original 405ml
Manufacturer: Poland
4,19 €Margarīns Bolero ar sviestu 400g
Manufacturer: Poland
2,29 €HEINZ Majonēze klasiskā, 480ml
Manufacturer: Netherlands
3,43 €Olas Brūnas M izm. 10gb
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,09 €Duo Oriģinālā Majonēze 250ml
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,85 €Francis Majonēze Provansas 250g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,39 €
Cheese plait 150 g
Cheese, pasteurised milk, hardening agent, calcium chloride, lactic acid bacteria pure culture, microbial enzyme Manufacturer: Latvia
4,36 €Valio Russian cheese 200 g
Milk, sourdough starter, hardener (calcium chloride), salt. Energy value: 1481kj/357kcal, fats 29g, saturates 13g, proteins 24g, salt 1.5g Manufacturer: Latvia
2,26 €Valio Russian cheese sliced 150 g
Milk, sourdough starter, hardener (calcium chloride), salt. Energy value: 1481kj/357kcal, fats 29g, saturates 13g, proteins 24g, salt 1.5g Manufacturer: Estonia
1,77 €Melted cheese with basil pesto sauce 180 g
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,51 €Siers philadelphia original 200g
Manufacturer: Germany
3,31 €Siers Džugas mild 180g
Manufacturer: Lithuania
3,78 €SN Holandes siers 200g
Manufacturer: Latvia
3,18 €Siers Džugas kubiņos 100g
Manufacturer: Lithuania
2,81 €Limbažu Piens siers Krievijas 45% šķēles 150g
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,86 €Limbažu Piens siers Holandes 45% šķēles 150g
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,86 €Dzintars kausētais siers klasiskais 200g
Manufacturer: Latvia
2,57 €Siera nūjiņas Pik-Nik 40% fasētās 140gr.
Manufacturer: Lithuania
2,38 €Baltais krēmsiers klasiskais 150g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,84 €Siers GOUDA kausēts šķēlītes Lactima 130g
Manufacturer: Poland
2,05 €SN Siers 'Jager Mozzarella' 125g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,39 €
Ciders, cocktails
Alcoholic kocktail LB Upene 14.5% 275 ml
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Latvia
2,04 €Alcoholic kocktail Black Balsam Cherry 12% 250 ml
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Latvia
2,50 €Alcoholic kocktail Shake Club Cranberry-Apple 14,5% 275 ml
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Lithuania
1,77 €Alcoholic kocktail LB Margarita 14,5% 275 ml
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Latvia
2,04 €Sidrs Somersby Pear 4.5% 1l Pet
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Estonia
3,53 €Alko.kokteilis Black Balsam Currant 12% 0.25l
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Latvia
2,58 €Sidrs Dārza Cidoniju 5.5% 0.5l
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Latvia
2,08 €Alko.kokteilis Garage Hardcore Grapefruit 6% 0.275l
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Estonia
1,85 €Alko.kokt.watermelon Margarita 4.7% 0.33l
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Latvia
1,57 €
Energy drinks
Energy drink Burn 330 ml
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20.
1,41 €Energy drink Dynamit 500 ml
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20.
1,31 €Energy drink Battery Fresh 500 ml
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20.
1,35 €Energy drink Supreme Cult 500 ml
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20.
1,45 €Energy drink Dynamit Pint 568 ml
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20.
1,45 €Energy drink Red Bull 250 ml
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Austria
2,15 €Energy drink Monster Energy 500 ml
The price includes a deposit packaging fee 0.10Eur ID card or passport must be presented at the time of delivery. Alcohol consumption is harmful to health. The sale, purchase or transfer of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited! Alcoholic drinks are sold until 21:20. Manufacturer: Latvia
2,04 €
Biscuits, waffles, croissants
Sviesta cepumi patisse 454g
Manufacturer: Portugal
7,30 €Laima vafeles Selga ar citronu garšu 90g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,14 €Cepumi ar šokolādes gab. 454g
Manufacturer: Portugal
7,72 €Cepumi Oreo 176g
Manufacturer: Spain
2,81 €TUC Cepumi Sāļie 100g
Manufacturer: Hungary
1,71 €Kliņģerīši sāļie 250g
Manufacturer: Germany
1,95 €Selga Vafeles ar šok.g.180g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,93 €Selga Cepumi 180g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,37 €Laima vafeles Selga ar šokolādes garšu 90g
Manufacturer: Latvia
1,14 €7 DAYS kruasāni ar van.krēma pild.un kakao cep.60g
Manufacturer: Poland
0,89 €Midi 7 days Double kruasāns vaniļa & ķiršu pild. 60g
Manufacturer: Poland
0,89 €
Chewing gum and ice-cream
Locket Karam. Honey/Lemon 41g
Manufacturer: Czechia
1,27 €Locket ledenes extra strong 41g
Manufacturer: Czechia
1,42 €Halls Konfektes Honey&Lemon 33.5g
Manufacturer: Czechia
1,18 €Orbit Košļ/gum. Spearmint 14g
Manufacturer: Poland
0,93 €Orbit Košļ/gum. Watermelon b/c 14g
Manufacturer: Poland
0,93 €Orbit Košļ/gum. White fruit 14g
Manufacturer: Poland
0,93 €Orbit Košļ/gum. White Fresh Mint 14g
Manufacturer: Poland
0,93 €